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How To Survive Valentine's Day If You Are Single

Heart with words

Valentine's Day comes around once per year and red seems to be just about everywhere. Red roses, red heart-shaped boxes full of chocolates, and cards with red letters. Some people have come to believe that Valentine’s Day has become nothing more than a symbol of modern consumerism. However, for many people, Valentine’s Day is one of the most talked about days when the person you’re dating, married to, or in love with does something to demonstrate how special you are. But what about the rest of us? Those of us who are single. Is languishing in Valentine’s Day hell the only option? This includes seeing the aforementioned red items everywhere, hearing friends or relatives talk about their Valentine’s Day plans, and finding nothing but love stories on streaming services or TV. It can become quite annoying and challenging if you have anxiety, depression, drug or alcohol problems, or an eating disorder. It becomes even more compounded when Valentine is on the weekend because it is no longer Valentine’s Day; it is now Valentine weekend—two days of this stuff.

14 things to help you make it through Valentine’s Day/weekend if you're single.

I have compiled a list of 7 THINGS NOT TO DO and a list of 7 THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO if you’re single on Valentine’s Day/weekend.


abstract of heart with red and blue colors

Do not sit around and mope about how terrible your love life is. Your love life may not be where you want to be, but I am pretty sure sitting around and moping about it is not going to change that.

  1. Do not get smashed. Drinking too much as a way to manage your emotions is usually not that great of an idea. This time may be difficult, especially if your relationship recently ended, but drinking too much postpones the inevitable.

  2. Do not get high. See number 1.

  3. Do not try to find a last-minute date so you’re not alone on Valentine’s Day. Being alone is not bad. No date is always, always I say, better than a bad date.

  4. Do not talk negatively to yourself about being single. Negative self-talk is rarely helpful, and in fact, negative self-talk often leads to even more negative feelings.

  5. Do not be a third wheel on a Valentine’s Date. I know your friend may want to help you not be alone, but watching a date or couple is unnecessary suffering.

  6. Do not call up an old boyfriend or girlfriend to check-in. Remember, you’re broken up for a reason; try to remember that reason.


lots of different words such as fun, positive, love
  1. Have an impromptu Valentine’s Day singles event—an event where single folks gather and have fun versus trying to find a date. Gather a bunch of single friends together and enjoy an evening or afternoon of board games, outdoor games, or hiking. Stay away from the restaurants because most are probably full of those folks celebrating Valentine’s Day/weekend. Invite single friends over to make a nice dinner or something unusual as a group of single folks.

  2. Be resourceful. Rather than mope around lamenting the state of your love life, do something that you have been putting off for a long time. Clean out your closet, pack those clothes, and take them to the Goodwill. Have your dog groomed. Visit a family member or friend, but only if you’re confident they’re not going to get all Valentine’s Day on you. Clean out that drawer with all that old paperwork. Start your taxes. Start your taxes, yes, I mean start your taxes.

  3. See an action or horror movie. This one is pretty easy. Most of the Valentine's folks will probably be in the feel-good movies.

  4. Go to a talk at your local library. Libraries are full of all sorts of events in addition to housing lots of books. Or you could start reading that book or article that you have been meaning to start.

  5. Take yourself out for a treat. Get a massage, your hair done, or nails done. Yes, men, this includes you, including a manicure and pedicure. Hand and foot massages can feel great.

  6. Clean out your email box. You can finally get rid of all those old emails that you've been planning to read.

  7. Offer to babysit for a friend or relative so that person can go out for Valentine’s Day/Weekend.

  8. Remember to stay calm and try not to compare yourself to others.


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