Brainspotting Phase 1: Attuning to BIPOC Experiences
Sponsored by
University of Hawai'i, Manoa
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Addiction Counselors | Professional Counselors | Social Workers | Psychologists | Marriage and Family Therapists | Psychiatrists | Nurse Practitioners | Occupational Therapists | Physical Therapists | Executive/Life Coaches | Naturopaths | Acupuncturists | Students in a mental health related graduate degree program.
Brainspotting Phase 1: Attuning to BIPOC Experiences
April 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2025 - Wednesday/Thursday/Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm Hawai'i Time.
Please note that Daylight Savings Time will go into effect on Sunday March 9th, 2025.
This means the time difference (amount of time) between other time zones
will change after March 9th, 2025.
100% attendance is required on ALL days.
In person - University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Hemenway Hall
2445 Campus Road, Honolulu, HI 96822​
Live Online via Zoom - Hawai'i Time
Camera On Training
Please click here for the registration form
$745 - Standard
$645 - Pre-independent clinical licensure
$400 - Student
$400 - To repeat Phase 1
For non-standard registration fees follow instructions outlined below.
Brainspotting Trainers

Linnea Swanson, Psy.D, M.A., LMFT
International Brainspotting Trainer &
Read Linnea's bio here
Requirements and Expectations to attend the training:
If you are unable to adhere to these requirements please do not register for the training.
100% attendance is required for each day. This means it is not acceptable to leave the training for a few hours to go attend another meeting etc and then return to the training. If you are unable to attend 100% each day then do not register for the training. In case of an emergency, we are happy to provide a prorated refund of the registration fee less administrative fees and you can take the training in the future.
COVID-19 remains a thing so to speak, along with sociopolitical issues which have caused strain in many areas, to say the least. However, if you are not able to be fully present for whatever reason(s) please do not register for the training. This training is highly experiential and REQUIRES your full attention and presence. The inability to be fully present adversely impacts other attendees during experiential practicums. Opting out of practicums is NOT permitted.
If you become ill during the training and cannot be fully present, we are happy to provide a prorated refund. Just observing is not permitted. All aspects of the training must be completed with full participation.
By registering for this training, you agree to the requirements and expectations
Instructions to obtain the student rate, pre-licensed rate or repeat rate:
Email John at with your specific request per the instructions below.
The student rate is only available to those who are currently enrolled in a masters or doctoral program related to mental health i.e. your degree has not been conferred. Please include the following in your request:
the name of your school
indicate the type of program e.g. MSW, MS in Counseling, PhD in psychology etc.
await a response with instructions on how to proceed.
The pre-independent clinical license rate is only available to those who are working under supervision to become licensed to practice independently i.e. your degree has been conferred. Please include the following in your request:
indicate your pre-licensure credentials e.g. AMFT, LCSWA, etc.
your supervisor's name - e.g. supervised by Jenny Therapist, LMFT etc.
await a response with instructions on how to proceed.
The repeat rate is available to those who have previously completed a Brainspotting Phase 1 synchronous (live) online training or in-person training. Please email with the dates of your previous Brainspotting Phase 1 training and the name of your trainer.
Please click here for the registration form
This training is approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and David Grand, PhD, Founder and Developer of Brainspotting. This training meets the Brainspotting Phase 1 training requirement towards Brainspotting certification.
Seminar Overview
Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing, and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with BioLateral sound, which is deep, direct, powerful, yet focused and containing.
Brainspotting identifies activated eye positions designated as Brainspots. Located through either one or both eyes, Brainspots are observed from either the "Inside Window" of the client's felt sense and/or the "Outside Window" of the client's reflexive responses (i.e., blink, eye twitches or wobbles, pupil dilation, quick breaths, and subtle body shifts).
Students will first learn the phenomenological approach that underpins strategies for Brainspotting, followed by strategies for identifying and processing Brainspots. Attention will be given to the utilization and integration of Brainspotting into ongoing treatment, including highly dissociative clients.
Brainspotting is adaptable to almost all areas of specialization. Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools which enable their patients to quickly and effectively focus and process through the deep brain sources of many emotional, somatic and performance problems.
Seminar Objectives
Through lectures, live demonstrations, and small group practice, participants will learn to do the following:
Define the components of Brainspotting.
Utilize the techniques of "Inside window", "Outside window" and "Gazespotting".
Define how Brainspotting can be applied to Trauma, Dissociation, Sports psychology, Somatic conditions.
Demonstrate the theories and practices of Brainspotting.​
Please click here for the registration form
This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers - Hawai’i Chapter (Approval HI62792023-176) for up to 21 Social Work continuing education contact hour(s).
Sponsored by
University of Hawai'i, Manoa
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

This training is approved by Brainsotting Trainings, LLC, David Grand, PhD, Founder and Developer of Brainspotting.